Time-Travel Debugging with DevTools

DevTools provides you with the full context so you can understand the state of your web application at any point in time.
It's like reproducing bugs in your own browser.
Network Tools

Session network inspector

Spot missing resources in network logs and uncover problematic calls by inspecting request and response data, including bodies and status codes.
Learn more about network options
Feature 1
Feature 1
Performance Monitoring

CPU, and memory utilization

Keep an eye on your app's performance by monitoring critical slowdowns, CPU / memory usage, crashes, rendering times.
Explore Monitoring Features
State Management

State Management

Improve user experience by tracking your application's state throughout the session.
Discover all store management plugins
Feature 1
Feature 1
Error Tracking

Error tracking and management

Javascript errors are captured and sync'ed with recordings. Upload your source-maps and see the source code right in the stack trace.
Learn how to proactively identify errors and resolve them
OpenReplay Integrations


Plug in your favorite tools and sync errors and other events in your stack with session replays for better observability.
Discover available integrations
Feature 1

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Follow our step-by-step guides to deploy OpenReplay on your infrastructure.

OpenReplay Cloud

This is the hosted version of our open-source project. We’ll manage hosting, scaling and upgrades.

Session Replay Guide

Unlock the Power of Session Replay

Understand what session replay is, how it helps, and why it matters for developers, product managers, designers, and customer support teams.